Quick Cooling Tower & Facility Management PVT. LTD. | An Official Website


PVC Fills

We are engaged in offering a huge gamut of PVC Fills. Our standard fill is constructed of a honeycombed PVC film. This honeycomb construction ensures even water distribution and high efficiency water to air heat transfer. The PVC fill shall withstand a maximum inlet water temperature of 55°C.
Cooling Tower PVC Fills Honeycomb Shape :Biological Treatment of waste water has undergone a paradigm change with the advent of high efficiency plastic media. Working on the Principle of the higher surface area within the given volume. Plastic media such as Quick Cooling Tower & Facility Management pvt ltd bio media have result in highly efficient and compact treatment systems both aerobic and anaerobic. The structured media aids uniform growth of biological film on media surface. Microorganism growth on the media converts the organic waste into a ‘removable’ in organic biomass.

Quick Cooling Tower & Facility Management pvt ltd is manufactured from rigid nonflammable ultraviolet (UV) stabilized PVC sheet. They are resistant to bacteria, acids, alkalis, fungi and chemicals that are presents in waste water. The modules (packs) have folded edges at the top and bottom that provide critical strength at load bearing areas thus giving resistance to mechanical damage and erosion. Quick Cooling Tower & Facility Management pvt ltd provides a consistent distribution of air and water throughout the media, thereby enhancing contact between the effluent and the bio film.
Manufactured by continuous forming under controlled environment the excellent PVC fills sheet have uniform thickness. The media is available in a number of different size and configurations, the choice of which depends upon a number of factors including type of effluent, industry and treatment process as an required.

Application areas for cooling tower PVC Fills in honeycomb shape

1 - Tricking filters/Bio Towers

2 - Submerged Activated Fixed Film Reactors (SAFF)

3 - Anaerobic Digesters

4 - Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC)

5 - Nitrification- Gentrification

6 - Degasification

Range Cross Fluted Cross Fluted Cross Fluted
Height (mm) 27 19 12
Application TF / SAFF TF / Nitrification Nitrification
Longiturial Pitch (mm) 76 19 12
Spiral Angle (degrees) 28 28 28
Mixing Points 6000 8000 13000
Standard Sheet Size L x W (mm) 1200 X 600
1800 X 600
Maximum Recommended Fill Sheet Size L x M (mm)
Surface Area / Unit Volume (M2m3) 110 158 250
Maximum Continuos Operating Temperature (C)2  
Recommended Minimum Fill Thickness (mm) 0.30 0.30 0.25
Average Dry Weight (kg/m3)(varies with thickness) 30 32 35
Storage Must be covered with a light colored cloth or stored away from direct sunlight


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